
Since I join the Pharo community, I contribute here and there small patches and programs, dedicated to developer productivity. I contribute to Omnibrowser extensions as well as to test harnessing. I am especially interested in improving usability of the environment (see some of our proposals and my talk in video (1,2) at ESUG’09).

Current projects

Moose: an extensible, collaborative platform for reverse engineering and reengineering of software systems. I am now one of the main maintainer of Moose on the new Pharo Smalltalk. Moose has an active mailing list for questions and a bug tracker for issues.

Some subprojects of Moose I am involved in: - Mondrian, a scripting engine for visualization, can be used as a stand-alone application - DSM and Orion, package analysis and interactive prospection of code changes - CAnalyzer, for C programs analysis through visualization - Aspix, a metamodel for AspectJ - Moqam (Moose Quality Model), research prototype for the Squale project

Geco: a lightweight desktop application in Java for management of orienteering races, especially the Orient’show format. A personal project of mine, growing after years of problems and dissatisfaction with current applications. Geco has three driving forces: custom app for the Orient’Show format (but does not prevent to manage more classical formats), enhanced user experience through UI guidelines, extensible by and for the open-source community. It is also a fun project to manage from scratch.

Past projects

Mendel: reverse-engineering tool for Java, dedicated to inheritance analysis + support for visualization with Verso (not released).

Nightowl: an eclipse plugin to ease editing Smalltalk scripts for Athena, a Smalltalk scripting engine running in a JVM. It includes a connection to Athena interpreter and completion/code snippets.

Wikino: a fork from Wikini, itself a simple wiki engine with some easy extension possibilities. At a certain time in history I played a lot with it to implement a CMS-like engine with the facilities of a wiki engine. In short it looks like a CMS, but it really works like a wiki. Best example is seen here and I have used the engine in other context (for myself and for friends). Code under GPL-license, you might ask for it.