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Configuration Panel

The configuration panel allows one to set up different options for the stage. options are grouped by sections in the sidebar. Select one section to see available options in the main pane.

(Click to zoom in)


  • Zero hour: used for older SI cards V5 and registered start times
  • Runner archive: path to archive
  • CN base: path to score file for the french CN (national ranking), exported as CSV

SI Reader

  • Station port: Geco scans available ports each time you open the dropdown list

This panel also allows you to customize the behavior of Geco when reading ecards (either in racing or training modes). You can choose to:

  • manually resolve ecard issues with the Merge wizard or let Geco handles all ecards automatically, creating an entry for each reading (unknown, duplicate entries)
  • let Geco lookup unregistered ecards and insert entries from archive (only for the automatic behavior)
  • restrict automatic course detection using course sets per category

Penalties (for Orient’Show, Free Order, …)

  • MP limit: number of missing punches authorized before marking the runner as MP
  • Don’t check MP limit: runner can have any number of missing punches without ever being MP (disable MP limit)
  • Time penalty: time penalty per missing punch, in seconds (also displayed in minutes for large time penalty)
  • Extra penalty: time penalty per added punch not on course, in seconds (penalize runner who take any control “just in case”)


  • Geco can import courses described with the IOF XML format. Click the XML button to select the course file. You can choose between the XML V2 (current) format or the new XML V3 format.
  • You can set course length, climb, mass start time (optional), or course set
  • Course Sets are created on the fly if they do not yet exist
  • You can Edit the course sequence by hand, if necessary
  • You can Recheck all runners from a course after a change

The [Auto] course always exists in Geco: it can’t be renamed or deleted. This is the default course used by Geco for any new entry (unless a category course is used). This special course tells Geco to detect the real course on ecard reading: after reading, the runner course will be automatically updated with the detected course.


  • Course column: set the default course for runners in category (used when importing registrations from file or from archive)
  • Course set column: restrict automatic course detection to the given course set for runners in category (tick option in SI reader configuration)
  • You can import a CSV Template file describing common categories and their default courses. See data/modeles for some sample files following french rules. Each line describes a category as short name, long name, course name


This section allows you to select custom Mustache templates for exporting and printing results, as well as set up runner splits printing. To start with, basic templates are provided in the formats folder. If no templates are selected, Geco uses the internal ones.

Three templates are available for stage results: ranking, split times, and custom (which can be used to easily export results in a different format).

You can choose between multi-columns format or single-column ‘ticket’ (for thermal printer) for the runner splits. The Prototyping checkbox makes it easy to quickly change and test template files: instead of printing a split, Geco will open a window with the split and writes a runner_splits.html file.